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Bringing Bedfordshire Asian Businesses together



Bedfordshire Asian Business Association (BABA) is an association that is open to all businesses in the Bedfordshire and regional area who share our vision, values and objectives. 

Primarily a trade association which came together to promote business interest and drive economic growth in the local area, we have wider goals to support our communities and carry out charitable work.

This constitution sets out clearly our governance, aims and objectives.


1. Our Vision

To develop and support thriving and successful Asian businesses in Bedfordshire that support the Asian business community to build a cohesive and healthy sustainable community in our region and support the economy of the UK.


2. Our Objectives

The objectives of the BABA are to promote, support and advocate good working practice and governance on behalf of the Asian Business community in Bedfordshire and to work with like-minded stakeholders to achieve our objectives.


3. Our Values:

BABA is committed to upholding ethical and high moral values; we expect that members will sign up to these before they can be accepted as corporate or individual members.


4. Our Constitution – How We Will Operate


4.1 Name and address

The name of the organisation is the Bedfordshire Asian Business Association

For contact details refer to appendix.


4.2 Membership

Membership will be made available at four levels:

  1. Full membership
  2. Associate membership
  3. Corporate member
  4. Honorary members: appointed by the EC by a majority vote.

4.3 Executive Committee

The Executive Committee (EC) shall consist of the posts listed below:

  1. Chair
  2. Vice Chair (up to two)
  3. General Secretary
  4. Treasurer
  5. Minute Secretary
  6. Sponsorship Co-ordinator
  7. Media and Communications Co-ordinator
  8. Charities Co-ordinator
  9. Cultural and faith advisor
  10. Chairs of Task and finish groups
  11. Special Advisors as deemed necessary i.e small business, legal, political, commercial, Chamber of Commerce

Sub Committees Chairs to be appointed after AGM by executive

  1. Finance and Audit
  2. Governance and Constitution